We Can’t Do it Without You

Each week there are a million things that go on to make worship and serving our community happen. Members and friends are the glue that holds FPC together and there are so many ways to get involved. What ever you are passionate about, what ever you like to do, we are have place for you here!

Elder and Deacon Nominations

Current Needs.

Sunday Ushers

Help people know where to go and what to do on Sundays!

Front Desk

The first line of hospitality. Volunteer any day of the week to help things keep running smoothly!


Join our AV and Sound team as they make sure that Sunday go well and our live stream stays live!


Buildings and Grounds

Like to garden? Good at fixing things? Volunteer to help our building manager keep our spaces in tip top condition!


Like to sing? Play an instrument? We are always looking for people to join our worship and praise teams .

Your Passion

Want to teach a class on a subject you love? Think there is something we could be doing at FPC? Whatever you can dream up, we want to hear it!